Rat-Girl(ing) and Racism

Rat-Girl(ing) and Racism
Photo by freestocks / Unsplash

Again I find myself on the precipice of writing and recording regularly, and I don't. I lost myself, yet again in the physical, preferring to build things, remodel, callus my hands and see the results of physical truth.

As I return to the world of podcasting and writing, I return to a world that makes me nauseous, and so it is very difficult to know where to begin without setting off on a track of losing myself to the insanity of modernity.

There are two examples that come to mind. First and foremost, is the Holmes report on racism in psychoanalysis which was released by the American Psychoanalytic Association recently. This is an absolute miscarriage of the duties to be scientifically informed. The authors have no interest in being serious scientists, nor they have any capacity to understand even basic statistics and methodology. None of that matters to them, they set off to find some sort of evidence of "systemic racism" and they wrote a nearly 500 page position paper stating that systemic racism is everywhere but can't be specifically pinpointed anywhere. There was no content validity, no construct validity, no proper measurement, and no actuarial measurement whatsoever actually. There was only the "feelings" of various people in a survey. The entire paper is a religious rag possessing paranoid ideation and vengeful reverse racism. And so I return to the world of news media to witness the fall of my own profession at the hands of extremely disturbing ideologues.