Liberty only for the Libertine

Liberty only for the Libertine
Photo by Ben Maguire / Unsplash

Does anyone get the sense, as I do, that modern America, writ large on social media and in public policy, seems concerned with the liberty of the libertine; with the fringe elements of society unshackled by moral or ethical constraint than about the general population?

This essay is not concerned with the terrible examples of late where a handful of citizens have been unjustly harmed by homeowners mistaking innocent people for intruders. Those are terrible stories, but in no way typify or even topographically approximate the nature of crime in America. The nature of crime in America is as follows: a very small number of highly aggressive and dangerous men brutalize their local communities and take random trips to the surrounding suburbs as well to murder and steal. Most of us in The States are on guard in our minds against these true villains. Studies on psychopathy show that these men are born with a genetic mainline of criminality and that ecological influences in life are not enough to quell the psychopathic mind. For that, there is only deterrence through strength, which takes form from an intolerance of crime. Believe me, as a former prison psychologist, you are no match for these men in terms of sheer brutality and in a willingness to harm.

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