DeSantis vs Trump

I would like to present a case that former President Trump should not be the candidate for the Republican Party in 2024.
The president of the United States represents the collective unconscious wish for a powerful and good father. We simply cannot have a president who behaves like Donald Trump does in public. I am well aware of the argument that his policies and economic effect on the country outweigh his arrogance and uncouthness, yet I do not believe this is so. In order to even remotely move toward a better state of the union, we are in no position to elect someone who unnecessarily provokes fracture points in our culture. Donald Trump gets into Twitter arguments with basketball players, he calls people idiots, losers, and mocks them as if in a grade-school cafeteria. While this may appeal to virtually everyone (even those who despise him) it is so strange a departure from the statesmanship that has more or less characterized the oval office.
This way of analysis also condemns President Biden of course, but for different reasons. It does not take a neurologist to tell the average American that this man appears noncompos mentis. A visibly ailing president does not signal strength in the collective father figure to the citizens. It signals that we are in trouble and that there is nobody at the helm.