Authenticity in the Age of Political Narcissism

Authenticity in the Age of Political Narcissism

How many of us spend time believing; even slumbering under the illusion that our lackadaisical days are soon to yield to a splendid state of affairs where present suffering will become a remnant of some previous era of our lives?

I certainly don't want you to frenetically labor under a time-intensive and overly strenuous recognition of the fact that life is finite. I do want you to consider, however, that all of the issues that are swirling around our culture today require active engagement. To the extent that any of us remain passive recipients of the experience of our own lives we are certainly missing targeted areas upon which our cognitive steel could be tested; this much the extreme sides of both the left and the right understand. And that’s just the problem…that we now have a cock fight between the most bizarre and personality-disordered people in our society dominating the social and cultural realm.